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Hire Brian. He is a Wix Website Wizard!

This web page (and whole site) is better than any resume to showcase

his web editing skills. Here's some kool stuff he knows how to do in Wix!...

SEO » Search Engine Optimization:

        Wix has extremely good SEO! Why? Because Google owns Wix! Need more be said? (lol)

Okay, so you wanna see some data? Some test results? Heck I know I would! Check this video...

Brian Cloud Computing Circled.png

Do you have any website ideas that you would like help bringing to life?

Note: For you to see Brian's companies appear on page 1 of Google you'll most likely need to be in the same or surrounding areas where these companies are based @ 40th St & Greenway in Phoenix Arizona.

Brian owns 2 Wix sites:

Let's see how quick they perform on

The main point of having a website is to get found.

So having really good SEO should be one of the very

first things you should be looking @ when choosing

a web platform.

Quick Ease of Use:

        Wix is one of the easiest web platforms to build on. Probably even THE Easiest! Wix's Drag & Drop editor makes it incredibly quick & easy to add & edit page elements. One of the down sides to using a Drag & Drop editor can be that it won't have the ability to customize it's functionality using code. That's definitely NOT the case here. Wix has an extremely impressive code editor! Note: The only language it supports is JavaScript but in most cases that's the only language you'll need here. Wix has eliminated the need for HTML & CSS with their Drag & Drop editor! Now that JavaScript has the ability to connect to a database this eliminates the need for server side code as well such as PHP & MySQL. Also, since everything is built into the browser there is very tight integration between page elements, editor and database. Error checking is very advanced as well. The Wix code editor will catch the vast majority of errors before the developer has even saved the page and tested it's functionality. This of course greatly increases the developer's workflow during the code writing process!

Menu's & Pages:

  • Check the menu top right corner. It's set up in an animated lightbox overlay.

  • There are several different pre-made animations Wix has to choose from.

  • Wix lets the sub menu web page items go 1 level deep.

Forms & Submissions:

  • Highly customizable forms are such a breeze in Wix!

  • Click the link to the Subscribe form above in the header.

  • Click the link to the Email form below in the footer.

  • Both of these forms are set up in a lightbox overlay so the visitor never even leaves the page they're on when using a form.

  • Form data can easily be inserted into a database and/or emailed to the admin and visitor.


  • Wix databases are known as a Collection.

  • Wix database fields are quick & easy to add / edit / delete.

  • Wix has these types of database fields.



  • Wix repeaters can be linked to a database.

  • Can be linked to a db with or without using code.

  • Very easily manage lots of content on a single page.

  • Using code can allow much more complex functionality.

  • Form elements can be added to a repeater container.

  • Multiple databases can be used to customize repeaters.


  • Wix galleries can be linked to a database, Google Drive, Google Photos, Dropbox & Facebook accounts.

  • Preferred workflow is from phone to computer to Wix.        Learn this workflow!        It's very powerful!...

             ○ Android » Google Photos » Select & Share » More » Drive » Choose Folder » Computers ...

            ... Nav to Desired Sub-Folder » Make New Folder » Hit Select Button » Hit Save Button

​            ○ This creates a new folder in Google Drive & on My Computer & puts all the photos inside!!!

            ○ Note: Must have Google Drive installed on computer & synced to a folder for this to work.

            ○ At this point the photos are saved on computer & ready for editing using Snagit or Photoshop.

            ○ Then after editing they're uploaded to a desired Wix sub folder, added to the gallery & published.

  • Great for easily managing both photos and videos.

  • Wix has LOTS of different pre-made gallery templates to choose from.

  • Photos can be linked to: URL's, Anchors, Documents, Email Addresses, Phone Numbers & Lightboxes.

  • Photos can also be set to Scroll to Top & Bottom of the Page current page they're on.


Login & Logout System:

  • Wix Login Bar can easily be added to the page.

  • Login and Registration pages can be customized to better fit the website's look & feel.

  • Wix Login system supports logging in using your Google or Facebook accounts. Try it! Top Right Corner.

  • Custom code can be written for special things to happen when the user is logged in.

Domain Registration & Hosting:

  • Google Domains is our preferred place for domain management.

  • Your domain can exist wherever you prefer.

  • Hosting your site on Wix is a requirement for Brian to work on your site.

  • Once your site is hosted on a Wix Premium plan, web design & dev will be as easy as can be.

Rates & Payments:

  • Brian typically charges $100 per hour and is worth every penny. Sometimes more for harder requests.

  •  $300 minimum for a basic web page which covers you for 3 hours worth of editing time.

  • $500 minimum for a specialty web page which covers you for 3 hours worth of editing time.

  • Examples of specialty pages are a searchable web page, gallery, calendar.

  • He's been writing web code, Photoshopping & Video editing since 2005ish.

  • You get what you pay for and Brian delivers quick quality expertise in his web pages.

  • He also kindly steps off the clock if he hits a significant snag while going through the learning curve.

  • 10% discount if you pay cash.

  • Pay him remotely using Zelle...

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